What I never told you.
-to my ex best friend, who I’ll never forget. Thank You. For making me believe someone besides my relatives, could truly love me. For making me feel like I matter, like you’ll be there for me when the rest leave. For all the memories and the times you were there for me. For picking me up when I was falling. For the illusion you created in my head of the ideal friend. For the endless conversations, the lessons, the fights, the disagreements, for all the night-long messages during the period of finals. Thank you for leaving me, it taught me a life lesson and then for coming back to apologize. With my entire heart I wish you had never returned but after all it was my fault taking you back. Anyway, thank you. Forgive Me. For loving you too much. I mean it, I got attached in a way I still can’t understand. I came too close to you, at some point you could’ve been suffocating. It was all pure, I just tend to do this to the people that know my deepest secrets and...