
Showing posts from January, 2023


Long time no see, till someone brings the sleeping muse back to life. I tried giving her CPR several times but came out empty handed. It takes another individual to do so, and I have a feeling I may or may not have met my next chapter in the book of hopeless love stories. This one however, isn't like your usual heaven that turned into hell type of situation, it's more of a grounded, growing relationship between two people that are unsure about each other for their own different reasons. The infatuation between them is unquestionable, but has that ever been enough to make something last for a respectful amount of time? Only time will tell. I never believed in a perfect life, if anything I've seen her ugly side for the most part, but I do believe in perfect chemistry and moments taken straight out of a cheesy romantic movie. I think some souls are meant to find each other for a lifetime or a lesson. And while I don't believe in forever, I wish some seconds lasted a litt...