Why we can't move on?
Let's face we've all at some point in our lives -whether you're 16 or 60- fallen in love with someone so hard that it seemed impossible for us to move on, forget that person, stop having feelings for them, stop wanting or loving them and overall get completely over them. It may has happened to you just once, maybe twice or this may be happening to you every single time you fall in love with someone new. For me it has so far happened twice but I'm way too young to know love -only 18- although I feel the need to share my feelings & opinion on such an important and widely known subject such as the disability to move on aka get over someone. Whether it was "love at the first sight" or "why do I even like you?!" type of crush the result is one: you can't stop having feelings for them or forget about them or you call it. It's not really what exactly you feel and shouldn't be feeling it's why you feel like that, why yo...