The Blue Eyed Guy. (Pt. 5: 4 years later)

If you’ve been following my posts for years you have probably read about the “Blue Eyed Guy” I’ve written a sequel of 4 articles about my relationship with him. In case you have no idea what I’m talking about I suggest that you read these first: The Blue Eyed Guy: All Articles.

All in all I hadn’t spoken to him in 2 years when he messaged me out of nowhere on New Year’s Eve; the reason why I didn’t write about this earlier is because I found no reason in doing so, but looking back on some of my previous posts I thought it’d be interesting to let you know, that it took him 2 fucking years of me paying zero attention to him and of him not seeing me in months (because I moved), to apologize for mistreating me so much and making me feel like crap. 

I was so shocked when I saw his name popping out of nowhere on my Smartphone’s screen I literally screamed. The last message he had sent me was in August 2015. I’ve inserted a screenshot of what he sent me below; it’s in Greek but what it basically says is: “So, I really honestly wanna say a big SORRY. Because you didn’t deserve the way me and my friends treated you. I really wanted to tell you that but I didn’t have the guts.” My reply to that was literally: it’s been 2 years. I couldn’t think of anything else other that the fact that it took him this long. I was so hurt when he rejected me but I’m so over it, like so over it. I obviously still remember everything but I’d never take him back. I moved on, I grew, his behavior taught me valuable lessons. 


He then tried to keep the conversation going but it was like 3 am so I stopped replying. I still don’t know if he was genuinely sorry or he was just trying to get me to go out with him or something, he’s a fuckboy, my type of guy, unfortunately. I didn’t feel like talking to him. There was no reason in catching up, we were never friends or something anyway.

Whether he was honest or not I got the closure I needed, I was satisfied he put his selfishness aside even after 2 years, even though I wasn’t in pain anymore. I don’t care about him, his well-being or his feelings. I was head over heels for him but never felt love or affection. I consider him my second biggest heartbreak after “X.E.”. He holds a huge part of my past but not one in my future.

Karma’s a bitch,
Athina, x.

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