To the women who claim all men are assholes.

They’re not. Sorry to break the news for you but not every guy on earth is a dic*head. Aside from the fact that this claim makes you look stupid mainly because you can’t have possibly met every male on planet earth; it is extremely disrespectful and unfair to use the same label for every single man there is, just because the ones you’ve met treated you poorly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all guys are nice or that there aren’t any assholes out there. I’ve met both, in fact I’ve unfortunately encountered with more “bad” than “good” ones but that doesn’t give me the right to call everyone so.

He’s not an asshole because he broke up with you; in fact he’s being honest with his feelings.
He’s not an asshole because he didn’t reply to your text within nanoseconds; guys can get busy, too.
He’s not an asshole because he doesn’t like you; pretty self-explanatory.
He’s not an asshole because he no longer has feelings for you and lets you know instead of cheating; we’re all human beings.
He’s not an asshole because he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you and makes it clear; he is if he does otherwise though.
He’s not an asshole because he sees you as a friend; it hurts, I know.
He’s not an asshole because he moved on to another girl after your break up; you should, too.
He’s not an asshole because he asked to split the check; unless you only care about his wealth, then you’re the asshole.
He’s not an asshole because he’s not chasing you; you’re supposed to walk side by side anyway.
He’s not an asshole because he doesn’t say the things you wanna hear; if you don’t like his words move on to someone else.
He’s not an asshole because he prioritizes his family or friends, if you can’t accept it, move on to the next one.

All I’m trying to say is we’re all humans. The reason why I wanted to write this so badly is because for the past 7 years (since my mom died) I was raised by my dad with whom I fight more than anyone but has also stood by me more than anyone.  I just feel bad for all these girls out there that grew up with awful fatherly figures, you deserve so much more than that. Don’t forget who you are or what you want but keep in mind males can be just as sensitive and hurt as you. I’ve also met some guys, I was and still am blessed enough to call my friends, who’ve helped me way more than my girl friends.  

Athina, x.

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