
True Love just doesn't go away...

Let's admit it, we have all once in our lives loved someone so much that we thought we'll never be able to move on and love someone else as much as we loved that one. Whether you call it “first love” or “love of your life” it always hurts having to move on especially when that person doesn’t like, love or want you (anymore). Even if you were never a couple with that person you had/have strong feelings about them and even if you have met, liked and wanted others after them you never really felt/feel the way you felt/feel with that special one. You might feel like the person is haunting you, like you fall for them again and again every time you see them, like your heart is never going to feel that way ever again. It’s partly true. Your heart chooses who will love and who will hate, you can’t control it most times. I know it hurts a lot. Especially if that person you love(d) has already moved on and seems to be happy. It’s hard cause no matter how many other people you...

It's a bad day not a bad life!

We all have those days when we feel sick and tired of everything, like life is just not good at all. It’s okay feeling this way sometimes, we can’t always be happy but we should always try to smile even if we’re going through something bad… First of all a disclaimer: all the stuff written in this post are my thoughts from my experience and everyday life, nothing more or less. So let's take it from the beginning whether you woke up with a bad mood or something happened during the day and brought you down you should always remember: Never give up. God is with you. Things will get better. After repeating these words in your mind try to continue your daily routine/life normally and do whatever has to be done (job, chores, homework etc) but do not push your self or over do it cause it will just add more stress and make things even worse. Then when you have finished with everything take some time for yourself do not hide the problem or avoid what made you f...

To all the people that do self-harming, cut themselves or have committed an unsuccessful suicide.

Before everything I have to tell you that this is my “story” it’s kind of short but I think it will make you think better the next time you try to hurt your self… I’m a 15-year-old girl from Greece called Athina, I lost my mum 2 years ago and I live with my dad and my younger brother. So… the last few days I’ve been fighting with a lot of my friends from school, I feel like I can’t trust anyone, some people have betrayed me and it feels like everybody is going to do the same if I trust them, I know there are people who care about me but they keep pushing me. Maybe it’s my fault, maybe I with my behavior keep them away from me but I’m doing this because I want it, it comes naturally. Yesterday in the morning I fought with my dad and my brother for some silly reasons but there was when I said “that’s enough, I can’t do this anymore…” so I went upstairs, found a pair of scissors and made some scars… Nobody mentioned, it wasn’t so intensive, I didn’t want to kill my self or bleed becaus...