The Blue Eyed Guy. (pt. 1)

(listen to this while reading it) Do you believe in love from the first sight? Well, I don't really. Maybe you can fall in love with someone just by a look into their eyes but not deep, honest & pure love. How about the second, third or fourth sight? Let's take it from the top (you asked me what my sign is but I told you it was stop -lol, no). I met him around 8 months ago (Jan. 1st actually). He talked to me that night at the party, he even kissed my cheek before leaving. I wasn't very sober that night though, so I didn't pay attention. Uhmm...I should have because the next day, I found out not only that he was handsome but also that he had seen me dancing at another "party" before and he thought I was a... "star" (that's how we call someone talented in Greece). I decided to send him a friend request on Facebook -he lives a couple of km away from me- he approved it & liked a few of my photos. 1 week after t...