The Story Behind The Title.

I wrote this a while ago but never got the chance to post it so, here you go...

I decided to do something different for this post, from time to time I write articles with titles that either make no sense to anyone but myself or have nothing to do with the content. So, I thought it’d be cool to explain why I’ve used these titles for some of my posts. (if you click on the titles you can read the article it's referred to)

1.       YELL – ONE (the most asked about): If you know how to decode the title you get the name of the person it was written for. But I’ll never tell you how to do that, he’s the only one who knows. 

2.       High Ceiling (the most irrelevant one): The reason why I named this specific post “High Ceiling” is because I was literally staring at the high ceiling of my room thinking about everything I wrote in it and also because someone I really love was in that room a couple of days prior and was looking at it as well. Not so Fun Fact: the last paragraph is referred to depression and the last sentence to self-harming.

3.       TRPBMP. (Unpublished) (An acronym): It stands for “The Real People Behind My Posts” and the reason why I didn’t use the sentence as a title is because it was too long plus I liked the mystery of the acronym.

4.       Wasted Thoughts (more literal than you can imagine): Although most of my articles I’ve written after having drank, when I was writing this one I was kinda wasted. Not so Fun Fact: the last phrase of that post is about suicide.

5.       Dead Inside (it’s not about the title): The entire article is about loneliness, self-harm, depression, suicide and my mother’s loss.

6.       Bold & Underlined (instructions really): There’s some letters in bold and underlined throughout the text, if you place them in the correct order you get the person it was written for.

That will be it for today, I know sometimes explaining art too thoroughly takes away its beauty but I really wanted to do this. I want you to know everything I write and the way I present it, I do it for a reason. Thank you for taking the time to read my messy mind.
Athina, x.

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