Drowning: The feeling of despair, depression, nothing is going right and you can’t keep up (source: urban dictionary) Owning: To win, triumph over, possess (source: urban dictionary) Let’s say you’ve been thrown into the ocean. You have the following options: either swim or drown. You choose to start swimming; you do so for a while, you get tired. Now you are presented with two choices: to either panic and end up moving really fast or to relax. If you decide to begin panicking you’ll eventually become exhausted and drown. But if you give in and let go the floating will cause your body to rise to the surface, this will give you a few minutes to rest and be able to keep swimming. See how I used the words “options”, “choices”, “decide” etc. throughout the whole example? Any ordeal you’ll face in your life, you are in control of how you will react to it, what you’ll do about it and what you’ll make out of it. No matter how hopeless or impossible something might seem to ...