

Drowning: The feeling of despair, depression, nothing is going right and you can’t keep up (source: urban dictionary) Owning: To win, triumph over, possess (source: urban dictionary) Let’s say you’ve been thrown into the ocean. You have the following options: either swim or drown. You choose to start swimming; you do so for a while, you get tired. Now you are presented with two choices: to either panic and end up moving really fast or to relax. If you decide to begin panicking you’ll eventually become exhausted and drown. But if you give in and let go the floating will cause your body to rise to the surface, this will give you a few minutes to rest and be able to keep swimming. See how I used the words “options”, “choices”, “decide” etc. throughout the whole example? Any ordeal you’ll face in your life, you are in control of how you will react to it, what you’ll do about it and what you’ll make out of it. No matter how hopeless or impossible something might seem to ...


Δεύτερη φορά ελληνικά αυτή τη φορά όμως με επίκεντρο της προσοχής εμένα, κι ας προήλθε όλο αυτό από εσένα. (Αν δεν καταλαβαίνετε διαβάστε πρώτα: εδώ ) Εγώ για μένα, εσύ με ανάγκασες, και πιο συγκεκριμένα η σιωπή σου. Εγώ που πάντα προσπαθώ να βοηθήσω τους άλλους με βαθύτερο πόθο να καταφέρω να βοηθήσω το Εγώ μου. Εγώ που δίνω άπειρες ευκαιρίες σε ανθρώπους που δεν άξιζαν ούτε δευτερόλεπτο απ’ τον χρόνο μου γιατί κατά βάθος   ελπίζω ότι θ’ αλλάξουν, ότι θα νιώσουν, όχι κάτι για μένα, κάτι που δεν ένιωσαν ποτέ. Εγώ που ήθελα να δείξω ουράνια τόξα σε άνθρωπο που έβλεπε μόνο το μαύρο και ενίοτε το γκρι αλλά πάντα παρουσίαζε σε όλους λευκό καμβά. Εγώ που έγινα χαλί να με πατήσεις και συ έκρυψες όλη τη βρωμιά σου από κάτω του και μετακόμισες σε καινούργιο σπίτι. Δεν θέλω να σε βλέπω μπροστά μου, δεν θέλω να ξέρω ότι υπάρχεις. Ξέρω όμως ότι το κάρμα αν και δεν ήρθε από μένα σε βρήκε, και όσο και αν δεν το θέλω, θα γίνω χαιρέκακη. Γιατί σου αξίζει, όχι επειδή μου φέρθηκες με τρ...


Δεν πίστευα ποτέ ότι θα έγραφα κάτι στα ελληνικά μιας και τα αγγλικά αποτελούν για μένα ένα μέσο με το οποίο εκφράζω τα συναισθήματά μου πολύ πιο άνετα. Ένα είδος προσωπείου που μου επιτρέπει να κρυφτώ, αν θέλετε, πίσω απ'τις λέξεις ενώ μιλαω για τις πιο βαθιές και αληθινές μου σκέψεις. Αλλά τώρα αποφάσισα να τα πω στην μητρική μου, γιατί είναι απ'τις ελάχιστες φορές που νιώθω κάτι τοσο έντονο και πρωτόγνωρο που μια γλώσσα μόνο δεν φτάνει για να τα πω (έχω ήδη γράψει άρθρο γι'αυτό το άτομο στ'αγγλικά). "Δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να σου πω, στα έχω ήδη πει όλα, πολλές φορές. Δεν τα πιστεύεις. Δεν τα πιστεύεις γιατί δεν θα σε δεις ποτέ όπως σε βλέπω εγώ, ακόμα και αν σου έδινα τα μάτια μου. Γιατί δεν βλέπω απλά μια εικόνα απέναντι μου, μου ξυπνάς όλες μου τις αισθήσεις. Είναι το πιο αλλόκοτο και υπέροχο αλλά ταυτόχρονα τρομακτικό συναίσθημα που έχω βιώσει ποτέ (και έχω ζήσει πολλά). Κάτι κοντά στην αγάπη αλλά πιο κοντά στον πόθο, στην ανάγκη μου να σε νιώθω κοντά μου, ...

I choose you.

I choose you every day of my life. I choose you because you are my life, through you I live and die all at once. A love greater than any other, a love that fills me and kills me. So passionate and true, stronger than the fire and the water. I choose you because you were, you are and you will always be there for me no matter what. When everyone leaves, you stay, when I'm aching, at my highest and my lowest. At the best and the worst moments of my existence, you were there whenever I needed you. You were there to remind me who I am and who I want to be; why this is all worth it and why there is no point in stressing over anything, really, as long as you're here with me, in me. You are my absolute everything, my universe starts and ends with you. Nothing is and will ever come before you, before us. You're not just a part of me. You are me and I am you. And I wouldn't change you for the world. You have saved me so many times and you continue to do so all the time. When i...


Surrounded by faces, many of them, all with a story to tell and opinions to share. Some familiar some of strangers. A bunch of conversations firing up around me, listening but not hearing. Taking another sip of my drink staring at the sea, lifting my head, stars, millions of them, grains of sand. The sound of the waves and the light from the night sky. Blurry voices, clear vision of the moon, it looks bloody red tonight, love. My phone vibrates and a grin was painted on my face. Looking back at the sky, are there any falling stars? Or at least pretend an airplane is one of those. I could really use a wish right now, to be honest. I'm not alone, then why do I feel so lonely? I haven't seen you in a while but it's not your physical appearance what I'm missing, it's your presence and the way I feel when you're sitting next to me. Being alone physical and emotional are two very different things. Feeling lonely in a crowded place has nothi...


("S"is referred to a special someone, that's all you need to know.) Moments, our lives are full of them, good and bad ones. Moments you wish you could forget and others you wish you could freeze. Ones you regret doing something and others you wish you had done something or something else. Moments you keep replaying in your head cause you just can't get enough of them. Some hurt so badly that nothing physical could ever make you ache as much. The good ones though, if only I could turn back time and re-experience them just once, or maybe twice, more. Tipsy moments. Blurry mind, messy words.The truth. Glances that last seconds but feel like minutes, hugs you'd rather stay in for an eternity. Conversations so deep and meaningful you almost let go of the real world and everyone around you, you get lost in the other person's story, their mind, their soul and if you're lucky enough, their heart. Truly beautiful people you knew all along but got to meet ou...

I fell like a fool.

This is the first time I'm so overwhelmed by my own emotions that I have no idea how to put them into words; though I'm gonna try or I'll drown. You know pain is what usually inspires me to write anything you read from me, alhtough this time it's different. I'm obsessing over someone I never even thought I'd give a second look at. This feeling is so new to me, I don't even know how to call it; lust? Desire? Attraction? Well, definitely way more powerful than the last one. You came exactly when I needed you the most, right when I was missing that rush in my blood and that kind of stupidity in my head, the one we experience when we fall in love, madly. Crazy: that's how it's called. I'm crazy mad about you and I haven't even touched you yet. You've fucked my mind so many times, physical attraction has nothing on it, to be honest. I don't know how to stop myself from going completely nuts over you. I love your soul and ...